JobShuk | LLOYD MASEL | Activity Activity feed for LLOYD MASEL. Thu, 28 Jan 2021 20:50:42 +0000 en-US 30 hourly 2 52f2fdd7b064b0f611d92b43d8cbd958LLOYD MASEL posted an update: I'm interested to get in touch with enterprising young […] Sat, 20 Aug 2011 12:48:04 +0000 I’m interested to get in touch with enterprising young businessmen and women, living either in Israel or America and who have good network connections in either country, or both.

It’s an MLM project, but please investigate this business opportunity carefully. There is money to be made and those who have already signed up are doing very…[Read more]

3b8c8aeae41ad9678ddd2f0df73e881eLLOYD MASEL commented on the post, How Would You Like to Become an Expert Commentator?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Fri, 17 Jun 2011 04:09:01 +0000 Throughout my career in business I have witnessed numerous come-and-go systems and ideas. Facebook, Twitter et al are no different. In time, no doubt, they will be replaced by something different. And new brooms always sweep clean! My problem with these abbreviated solutions to sometimes complicated questions is not just the accuracy and integrity of […]

7ae8a19c344891ca4ad16734b1d5a7d8LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, How Would You Like to Become an Expert Commentator?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Thu, 16 Jun 2011 10:59:12 +0000 In 2007 when I joined JobShuk there were some 1600 Members. According to the new format just released, Membership has dropped to just under 900. What has happened? Of course, everybody can speculate what has gone awry. There is always a modicum of truth in every explanation, but all that really matters is how to re-energize this Social Business Network site for […]

f9e16b8a6c4ab1c2a8cb971cc12532a4LLOYD MASEL unlocked 2+ visits Wed, 15 Jun 2011 13:27:36 +0000 0 21beebe3ca8516e7c69b5984489fdf7cLLOYD MASEL posted a new activity comment Sun, 12 Jun 2011 09:20:47 +0000 Design-wise, very contemporary. My use for the site is just for blogging, but I imagine that members would find all the new extensions very helpful in building business contacts. I do miss NOT having readership viewing stats. I found those helpful on the old site for suitable topics to post.

In reply to - Zvi Landsman posted an update @falstaff88 What are your initial impressions on the new Facebook-like community functionality and your blog/site? ]]>
eeba5d30a4b29f2f2f25bf264399f0ffLLOYD MASEL commented on the post, Some Home Truths about False Advertising, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Sun, 12 Jun 2011 08:27:26 +0000 I’m curious to know if anybody bothered to read this article. I deliberately made 3 small spelling errors, just to find out.

506c6bc43b6e82e9425425aa68b85470LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Some Home Truths about False Advertising, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Sun, 12 Jun 2011 08:17:54 +0000 Both advertisers and their agencies are clearly at fault in the creation of advertisements which are either blantantly false or simply misleading. Advertisers who deliberately tell ‘Black Lies’ – falsehoods – are deceitful. But agencies who knowingly accept these claims and publish the advertisements, are equally to blame. The also have a responsibility to society. No less significant […]

6a12129c73498b416e17f44d682198eaLLOYD MASEL commented on the post, GUARANTEED WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM IN THREE MAGIC WORDS, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Fri, 10 Jun 2011 04:04:49 +0000 Hi Sherry. I can sympathize with you. The only difference is that I’m probably much older and therefore have been trying much longer! However, the aim of this exercise was to demonstrate how to build an eye-catching ad with a novel approach and play on words. Not in ‘Three Easy Lessons’ but in ‘Three Easy […]

ce23164818c16bbd1748b0125fc50d1bLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Read the Secret of Writing a Blog without Writing a Blog, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Thu, 09 Jun 2011 09:04:51 +0000 "I’d love to write blogs to keep my name in front of the business community all the time. But I haven’t got time to blog regularly and I never know what to blog about." Heard that one before? All the time. And that’s one of the reasons why Facebook has attracted half a billion users worldwide, because on Facebook you don’t […]

11e51c47b732e37ff1a3a8857fa4949eLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, GUARANTEED WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM IN THREE MAGIC WORDS, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 07 Jun 2011 10:44:02 +0000 Why is it that people are conned every day into paying money to buy diet programs that simply don’t work? Yet, the diet industry is booming. This diet, that diet, the other diet. Publishers are enjoying a bonanza. Maybe these diets might work for a short period of time, but once the diet cycle is completed, back comes the surplus weight. The world […]

26cfa1ea659645e21814f9ca3da097beLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Where have all the Bloggers gone?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Mon, 06 Jun 2011 16:27:25 +0000 We’ve all read heaps of articles why blogging is good for business. So, let me ask the 1600 odd members of JobShuk why they prefer not to use this valuable source of advertising. FREE. Is business that good? NOT LIKELY! We’ll all miss Yoni’s regular submissions. In fact, Yoni held this column together. In the years he blogged and blogged and […]

41bdf88fe152f6738e69c34022fb26fbLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, JUST MAKE IT YOURS. YOURS ALONE, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 05 Apr 2011 15:50:12 +0000 Way back in 1966 songwriters Bob Tiele and George David Weiss wrote a song. Just right for the mood in America at the time. They offered the song to Tony Bennett who declined the offer. The songwriters then approached Louis Armstrong who immediately saw the great possibilities within the song and he signed up. The song "What a Wonderful World" became […]

0b3cc24f7cfd51ba18df65d3a932f66fLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, WE'RE BEING SWAMPED BY MACHINES. NOT EVERYBODY IS DROWNING., on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 05 Apr 2011 04:47:20 +0000 We’re being taken over by the world of instant communication. The closer we get to people on electronic equipment, the further apart we drift. Walk into a coffee shop and search for a table. Half of them are already occupied by empty coffee cups and laptops. Some of the laptop society probably sit there all day thumping away. Never mind anybody else! Stroll outside […]

d1b3f3a54283707f74ca240b8618fa64LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, DOES A PICTURE SELL A THOUSAND WORDS?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Mon, 04 Apr 2011 15:27:31 +0000 Way back in 1927 the world’s most notorious media mogul, William Randolph Hearst, sent a memo to the senior editors of all his newspapers. " Pictures that do not have news value do more harm than good. Without news value they should not be in the newspaper." So, despite the fact that in the New Year week-end 2011 a […]

549ff6ae1e9cfc228dbf1bf279c46152LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, THE SILVER SPOON IN YOUR MOUTH SYNDROME IS A MYTH, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Mon, 27 Dec 2010 19:44:52 +0000 Do you need to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to make it to the top? After all, networking goes a long way. The school you attended may be one factor. Mixing with the right people at the golf club and so on. That’s the easy way, though not always the successful one. Or you may have […]

963d89036ed361880431d9247f1525aaLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, YOUR JOBSHUK PROFILE IS YOUR BEST CALLING CARD, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Sun, 26 Dec 2010 16:56:36 +0000 So, you’ve decided to quit your nine-to-five daily job and spend your working life touting business for yourself. Provided you’re prepared to sacrifice corporate benefits such as a pension, health insurance, holidays and other perks, that’s fine. But freelancing is not such an easy nut to crack. The most difficult task is to convince a potential employer you are […]

a2d007f68b919a2c07e80d9e919d97c4LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Wendy Brings Artistic Flair to Bustling Tel Aviv, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Thu, 23 Dec 2010 16:29:53 +0000 Moving trading premises from one site to another is rather common practice. Normally, just a routine affair. But for Interior Decorator and Designer, Wendy Mesguich, changing her business location from Beit Shemesh to Tel Aviv proved to be a real marketing challenge. Wendy’s business of redecorating and designing interiors requires constant and close contact with clients. Once in Tel […]

d08e5239e709b9be47dbb5fd653baeedLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. ARE MULTI-NATIONALS THE ECONOMY OF THE FUTURE?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Mon, 20 Dec 2010 13:48:37 +0000 According to a report published in 2007 by the US Department of Commerce, Census Bureau and International Trade, Small firms represent 99.7% of all employment firms. Small firms employ 50% of all private sector employees. Of the number of small firms 52% are home-based. Of the number of identified exports, 97.5% were from small firms. Nobody can argue with hard-baked facts, […]

d2e94766c9ec8f3f5dbb99c5050026b4LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Fred and Freda have Guests Arriving from the U.K., on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Wed, 15 Dec 2010 07:40:20 +0000 Hey Fred! Just got a letter from our friends in the U.K. Didn’t know we had any Freda. Who? You know, we met them a couple of years ago when they came to Israel on a mission. What, another mission? No this time alone. They want to make a contribution to a worthwhile cause. Tell them to get in touch with Arnie […]

ef87e3e23396e11e51e6ba59789a3078LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. The New Breed of Moviemakers, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 14 Dec 2010 12:28:47 +0000 During the British Mandate and following the creation of statehood, early filmmaking in Israel focussed on the Land of Israel and the benefits of restoring Jewish connection to the land. In 1964, Ephraim Kishon’s first movie Sallah Shabbati depicts the story of a lazy but charming immigrant who manipulates the system for his own advantage. It proved to be a turning […]

3713bab9bb3d5c67f1531ff7f7fa4a46LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. If You Can't Sell Them Knowledge, You Won't Sell Them Real Estate , on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Sun, 12 Dec 2010 08:15:36 +0000 In a comprehensive survey conducted by the National Association of Realtors in the United States, it was found that 87% of recent home buyers used the internet as an information resource during their home-buying process. Few relied on ‘For Sale’ posters, magazines, newspapers, television and radio.  Of buyers who used the internet, 85% worked in conjunction with Real Estate Agents, […]

8656dc58d265919eab65d27e3dcfcdabLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Fred and Freda are in Trouble with their Computer. What to Do?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Thu, 09 Dec 2010 11:46:55 +0000 Hey Fred! What now Freda? My computer’s just gone down. What do I do now? No idea, Freda. My shelf life expired years ago. Call the grandchildren. You know that’s useless Fred. They’re always too busy with this and that. Then call a computer repair guy and ask him to come over. The last time we tried that the guy said he was too busy […]

3e4a20d6f0fd3e28d3c1cadc83aa7834LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Esther Through the Looking-Glass, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Wed, 08 Dec 2010 08:59:18 +0000 In 2008 the prestigious company Writers’ Digest, part of the American F+M Publications, voted Esther Heller’s website one of the top 101 sites in the world. "This site is for e-mail and correspondence classes, but if you dig a little you’ll find some of the best resources of Jewish writing and publications. Tamar Wisemon’s article on the Jewish magazine and newspaper market is […]

c56135a7fb3b361156a7fff8544f9afcLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Tikshoret, a one stop marketing shop., on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 07 Dec 2010 17:04:35 +0000 Big advertising agencies make money from media commissions and major sponsorships. Copywriting comes a poor last. In the words of advertising wizard David Ogilvy; "Advertising agencies are infested with men and women who cannot write." Television advertisements are the province of art directors, none of whom have ever sold a thing. Again, in the words of David Ogilvy; "I do not regard advertising […]

d891b38dd00bf73703c6c36b50ddf6baLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Buy Low and Sell High., on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 07 Dec 2010 10:04:35 +0000  Everybody understands the theory of making money on the Stock Exchange. ‘Buy low, sell high.’ Of course, in practice it doesn’t always apply, mainly because investors have little or no control over the market fluctuations. But the Investment Theory of Creativity is something else, based on the notion that creative people decide to buy low and sell high in […]

299e27b42ee19e9fdbfe334d5eb1fb9bLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Gershon's Venture with Adventure, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Mon, 06 Dec 2010 09:06:03 +0000 Tourism is one of Israel’s greatest sources of foreign revenue, despite concerns of travellers for their safety. The number of tourists seems to increase, year after year.  Now that the LONELY PLANET has rated Tel Aviv third in a list of the world’s best cities, we should expect an influx of new tourists in the coming months. With this potential surge […]

16f6df41dc2667c9fda6646433d49cbbLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Paintography Comes of Age, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Sun, 05 Dec 2010 19:08:56 +0000 Paintograpy, the art of converting digital photography into digital painting. But, is that art? Definitely. All photography is art. Paintography is simply a development of all old artform. Galleries throughout the world have numerous exhibitions of black and white photography. The art is expressed through the skills of the photographer. An interesting expression, an unusual pose, a fine view […]

9cda76bb0e9ef7dc814acf5a05171892LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Elementary my dear Watson!, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Fri, 03 Dec 2010 16:15:10 +0000 I’d like to explain to JobShuk members in some detail what the posts on my blog called PROFILE-PLUS are all about. First, there are many hundreds of members who have their Profiles posted on the site free-of-charge, not for a week, or for a month, but permanently, courtesy of Zvi Landsman. That’s worth its weight in gold, not fool’s gold. Second, I’m a creative […]

c7becbcc747e83f0cb5ecfaadcad1ce1LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Victoria Gets Her Voice Over, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Wed, 01 Dec 2010 09:16:14 +0000 Selling products with Jingles can be traced back to 1923 when commercial radio was first introduced into the United States. The first singing advertisment "Have you Tried Wheaties" was specially written for a male quartet   who became known as the ‘Wheaties Quartet’. When television reached its peak during the economic boom in the 1950s following World War II the Jingle became a […]

6e9bd0e8379c0409e042094e6fe38994LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Miriam Gets Her Message Across, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Wed, 01 Dec 2010 07:04:10 +0000 Vilfredo Pareto, who was born in France but later moved to Italy with his family in 1858, made important contributions to economics, sociology and moral philosophy, especially in the study of income distribution. He made the well-known observation that 20% of the population of Italy owned 80% of the land. Joseph Juran, a Romanian Jew, born in […]

e4f9ff4156aa8687d8b00a6b78001d4fLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Paul Takes a Healthy Bite, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Fri, 26 Nov 2010 15:09:43 +0000 The master of put-me-down quotes George Bernard Shaw once quipped: "The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor. He takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them." Similar cases of ‘stick to the tried and trusted old methods’ occur throughout […]

81d7a0ba2cb707f01243a411eb302ca3LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Hershey the Comeback Kid, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Wed, 24 Nov 2010 14:10:40 +0000 Profile-Plus has been carefully designed to assist small business in Israel in many different ways.  Unusual stories and anecdotes are always interesting to read. Free publicity about the merits of a company is worth its weight in gold. Small start-up companies need a lot of exposure in the marketplace to become established. So many different angles to consider.  What always fascinates people are the Comeback […]

d92b1069d3240754d6f46735f6c9c860LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Profile-Plus. The Virtuosity of Virtuti-D, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 23 Nov 2010 04:52:07 +0000 Who is Tanya Simkin? Just look at her most unusual and creative website. No templates, many abstract images and brief comments, yet cleverly disguised around this collection of original and unique ideas is a very talented and professional designer. Tanya’s team at Virtuti-D comprises an international collection of artists, each masterful in their own chosen field of expertise. Their […]

60cb7d07c59e01add8781a3acab946d6LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Sophistication Simplified from Israpay, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Mon, 22 Nov 2010 12:47:08 +0000 Profile-Plus. Sophistication Simplified Meet Moshe Egel-Tal, CEO of Israpay with the interesting slogan which simply states;    Sophistication Simplified It’s a well-known saying in the Arts that artistry doesn’t commence until technique has been mastered. Really, it’s no different in business. But let’s change ‘Artistry’ to ‘Sophistication’. That makes more sense in the cut-throat and competitive world of business. So, when Israpay […]

07a040817a51d7999739d1c697b7eebfLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Free Offer to Jobshuk Members, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Fri, 19 Nov 2010 09:18:01 +0000 Free Offer to Jobshuk Members. There’s no catch, just real benefits. Would you like to have your story published in a blog for readers to understand more about you and your business? If the answer is yes, please drop me a line with details of your website and how you built the business together with your aims and objectives for developing it. Why […]

cac859e0777fd439a59d17fdede47e63LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, SPEAK TO YOUR CUSTOMERS, DON'T WRITE TO THEM, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Wed, 10 Nov 2010 13:18:19 +0000 Don’t be fooled by those big advertising agencies. The glitz, the glamour and the sexy staff. LET’S FOCUS ON CREATIVE! Advertising agencies employ copywriters and pay them exhorbitant salaries. Copywriters who have never sold a thing in all their lives. Could they possibly sell something for you? Short answer. Not likely. And the agencies don’t care. They make their money on big fat […]

fdbf859ec27cd5e8a01fc04eb8ed18c6LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, There's Money to be made in Blogging, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:37:04 +0000 Who’s this guy with plenty to say? Well, I come from Down Under and made aliyah in 1999. In 1950 I joined a private business and stayed there for 40 years. My field of expertise was in marketing and advertising. Yep, I learnt plenty. Frankly, I think very few members of JobShuk are using this very unique […]

f363e3ce18f3b36872645c5d21948aa3LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Creative Copy. Just Write it Right., on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Fri, 15 Oct 2010 23:38:00 +0000 There’s no shortage of people out there offering good suggestions about writing clever copy. Websites with promises and sound advice are in abundance, but the catch is you won’t uncover the secrets of success unless you buy their book. Maybe good marketing for them, possibly little benefit to you. Good copywriting is more an art than a […]

9e73269e12e866b6eb5ca18dc81b0684LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, El Sistema. An entrepreneural miracle, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 07 Sep 2010 16:59:08 +0000 In 1975, Simon Bolivar, an entrepreneur and visionary in Venezuela, created a unique social welfare system rescuing poverty-striken children from the slums. The program is exceptional and has produced amazing results. The system revolves around classical music. At age 2 years kids are taught basic rhythms and the language of music. By the time they are 4 they learn […]

56d2dc647bf63cb241a23f8db0eeb924LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Do I Really Sound Like That?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Sun, 30 Aug 2009 06:02:28 +0000 Listen to your own voice on playback. Do you like what you hear? It’s a well-known fact that the majority of people surveyed after hearing their recorded voice are disappointed. Some are even horrified at what they hear. "Do I really sound like that?" For people who require convincing vocal communication for their livelihood such as selling, lecturing, […]

94ba0c6a90c6845585a73c4a20ac2e1cLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Enterprising Oleh Builds International Business, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 11 Aug 2009 08:20:20 +0000 Avi Noam Taub and his wife Ahuvah are new immigrants from Toronto, Canada. They actually met in Jerusalem and following their marriage settled in the German Colony in Jerusalem. They have a baby daughter, Sarah Penina Brachah. Taub was born in Israel but spent most of his life in Canada where he discovered at an early age the […]

61b649f8172441c74c21c87e24f83fefLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Are Your Competitors Smarter Than You Think?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Wed, 05 Aug 2009 11:50:42 +0000 Ever heard of Muphry’s Law? No, not Murphy’s Law which states that if something can go wrong, it will. Muphry’s Law was created in 1992 by John Bangsund of the Victorian Society of Editors (Australia) and identified as the editorial application of the better-known Murphy’s Law. Among other things Muphry’s Law states; ‘if the author thanks you […]

9eeb9e04801d919715063ad46657fdedLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, An inseparable duo. Poetry and Advertising. , on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Sat, 01 Aug 2009 17:11:25 +0000 "I shot an arrow into the air,                      It fell to earth I know not where:" These famous lines from the pen of the legendary American poet Henry Longfellow were written many, many years ago. Had Longfellow lived in the 21st century, he may have written the following: "I posted my website into space,      Whoever reads it, I have no trace:" It never […]

85ad2620fa9238fb9eee57013049b36dLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Is he Nuts? No, just smarter!, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Wed, 29 Jul 2009 06:53:52 +0000 Not far from our home in Kfar Saba is a delightful and well-stocked store that sells dried fruits, nuts, herbs and spices and lots of other items used in the kitchen. Always busy and the staff is very friendly and helpful. So, just what is special about this store that makes it so different from the local supermarkets […]

d1fc761e2a86de02c0127bf8597254edLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Selling with Success, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Thu, 16 Jul 2009 17:31:34 +0000 It’s tough out there in the real world of business. Everybody fighting to sell their goods and services and would-be customers are not easy to convince. With the market flooded with sellers, buyers can afford to pick and choose. In many cases they simply become more and more confused. Selling is an art, not a science. It’s a […]

2c77e6c66cc312a37aaf8544da44469fLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Free Advertising, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 10 Feb 2009 05:57:16 +0000 Everybody’s heard the saying there’s no such thing as a free lunch, so when a genuine free offer comes along, the first thing to ask is, "what’s the catch?" Yet, in some cases free lunches come without the hidden price tag. Take the case of our classical music website, The site is Israel’s most comprehensive and informative document about […]

639459c3c07f5d72c3005ccb2ac060ffLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, A Kind of Moving on, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Thu, 25 Sep 2008 05:21:56 +0000 It’s always a welcome bonus to receive a testimonial from a very satisfied customer. Some people are always quick-on-the-draw to criticise, so words of praise are to be cherished. A few days ago I received this e-mail which is printed in full, below. Totally out of the blue and written with all the skills of a literary expert. It’s well worth reading. Certainly, it […]

3cdb592cdff10c5d5a39cc31dd83177bLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Come and buy me!, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Wed, 24 Sep 2008 07:00:38 +0000 Why should anybody who is offering something for sale expect the readers of this site to make a purchase? Let’s be quite frank. This site is full of salespeople, all trying to sell their goods or their services. Readers of Jobshuk are basically sellers, not buyers. The more blogs which are posted and which lament the fact that people […]

174c5569d28b5d1fe5619b7e1f963cfaLLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, AMERICAN SECRETARIES IN ISRAEL FOR U.S. BUSINESSES, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Wed, 23 Jul 2008 08:53:47 +0000 Everybody is aware that businesses are constantly on the look-out for labor saving devices. Even further, finding top quality services at comparatively low prices is a rarity. But in Israel, this is very much a part of the economic equation. Secretary in Israel LLC discovered this phenomenon and acted upon it. Secretary in Israel’s business isn’t unique […]

c1e39ba0c0cbee2fda930d33425bea71LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, LITTLE MONEY BUT LOADS OF ENTERPRISE, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel Tue, 01 Jul 2008 06:24:11 +0000 In 1975 Jose Antonio Abreu founded an organization in Venezuela known as El Sistema, a national network of youth and children’s orchestras. He became its first Director. Today, the organization has built a classical music empire involving some 100 000 young people playing in more than 150 classical music orchestras. A remarkable achievement in a poor country of some 26 million […]
