JobShuk | innovation | Activity Activity feed for innovation. Thu, 28 Jan 2021 20:50:42 +0000 en-US 30 hourly 2 60184a6989aab9223f39c598b7178654innovation wrote a new post, Over 200 Companies Have Already Joined the Israel Exporter! , on the site by Hillel Porath Tue, 12 Jan 2010 11:12:29 +0000 ShalomIn the last few months over 200 Israeli based companies (exporters) and services providers have joined the  Israel Exporter website .   This can be a great opportunity for you to leverage your marketing efforts! This is a membership based site  _two first months are free no obligation.   We would like to invite you to […]

0391f1e2964a11306686acacc8da6ec3innovation wrote a new post, FREE Report - "How to Attract Clients - Back to Basics!", on the site by Hillel Porath Sun, 11 Oct 2009 18:30:18 +0000


I recently put together a report on " How to Attract Clients – Back to Basics"

This report will help you to effectively start attracting more clients to your business.

Follow this link to download the free report  Enjoy!   Hillel Porath Director<div style="line-height: 1.2em; outline-style: none; […]

352c7958fea084724280f40f653ffb22innovation wrote a new post, How To Attract and Convert More Clients - Seminar With Izzy Ginzberg!, on the site by Hillel Porath Tue, 08 Sep 2009 17:12:21 +0000 Mark you calenders! September 15th in Jerusalem – Small Business Marketing Seminar With Izzy Ginzberg! Award winning entrepreneur (Inc magazine) Izzy Ginzberg is a true marketing genius; he takes the term "thinking out of the box" in marketing to new levels! Izzy is currently living in Israel for the year and will be teaching several top notch marketing […]

1132e2f3dc713fd69b750f1a5e3475b2innovation wrote a new post, Event: Internet Marketing Seminar For Life Coaches!, on the site by Hillel Porath Mon, 03 Aug 2009 11:43:27 +0000 Attention all Life Coaches! If you want a solid understanding of online marketing and how to grow your business in this growing industry then come to Gavoah Marketing’s step by step training seminar. We will show you “tried, tested, and true” web marketing strategies to use if you wish to thrive in this digital age. Join us TUESDAY, […]

a19e02948d6e25d22822a02459dc2c4dinnovation wrote a new post, 'Israel Exporter' - New Website Launching July 15, Sign Up For Free Membership! , on the site by Hillel Porath Tue, 23 Jun 2009 07:41:20 +0000 What Is ‘Israel Exporter’? The Israel Exporter is an online platform dedicated to promoting Israeli export companies. Israel Exporter is a site/project that is being launched by  Skylimit. Skylimit was founded in Israel on 2004 to help clients enter new marketplaces in a cost-effective and expedient way through the utilization of nationally managed independent sales agencies. The Format: Most companies […]

15473fbe64248ec401037fa58f9cf207innovation wrote a new post, Why We Created The "Super Website Marketing Handbook", on the site by Hillel Porath Wed, 08 Apr 2009 13:20:03 +0000 We have been working in marketing for several years and it has been interesting to see that over the past few months more and more clients are interested in being in control of the marketing. They are asking for the first push and then they want to grab the wheel. Today more and more people have a […]

2411077d5c7c93e99a2f188ecdd37183innovation wrote a new post, How To Market Your Business In Israel - Three Articles, on the site by Hillel Porath Tue, 04 Nov 2008 12:32:09 +0000 Here are three article on How to market your business:How To Market Your Business In Israel – Part IHow To Market Your Business In Israel – Part 2How To Market a Business In Israel – Social Networks – Part – The Ultimate Resource for The Aspiring Entrepreneur In Israel

64c31b567bdefae1b62924ce75a1c911innovation wrote a new post, Coming For The GA & Need a Place To Stay In Jerusalem?, on the site by Hillel Porath Mon, 27 Oct 2008 15:47:01 +0000  Would You like to stay in the heart of Jerusalem but not in a hotel? ( & To Save Money!) Then check out what has to offer! They say: "At Home in Israel offers luxury guest apartments in premier neighborhoods to meet your leisure, business, and personal accommodation needs. Our luxury apartments provide a stylish accommodation alternative for business and leisure travelers […]

109f3cedbb7c16e65b52d4f2ae09d3cbinnovation wrote a new post, How To Get More Twitter Followers, on the site by Hillel Porath Sun, 12 Oct 2008 09:05:46 +0000 I have been debating for a while whether twitter is actually worth anything or not. In the last week my twitter network jumped from 12 to over 100 people! So now when I add an article to this site, – I update my twitter network and then I will usually get some nice immediate traffic. Imagine what could […]

fc849950562b2a1326f386e7b68c8b4einnovation wrote a new post, How To Become a Website Marketing Ninja, on the site by Hillel Porath Sun, 28 Sep 2008 19:48:07 +0000 One of the main issues with marketing a website is trying to figure out new ways to get people to click on your link. The bottom line is – thats basically all you need – is to get people to click on your link. The […]

f6488e2601e295f9c6c8a3d533867e38innovation wrote a new post, Why Small Businesses Need To Market Via Social Media, on the site by Hillel Porath Thu, 04 Sep 2008 20:31:11 +0000 When ever we hear about a new product, business, service or what ever it may be, what is the first action that we take? We check out Google to learn more. The results in Google will give us some indication about this product, business or service that we just heard about. The Google results, on many levels will have an […]

e528f62cce332788bf5f48f3964dc9dcinnovation wrote a new post, How to Use Yahoo Answers to Get More Traffic to Your Website, on the site by Hillel Porath Wed, 20 Aug 2008 17:01:04 +0000 What is Yahoo answers? Yahoo! Answers is a community-driven knowledge market website launched by Yahoo! on December 13, 2005 that allows users to both submit questions to be answered and answer asked questions from other users.. This can be a great tool to drive traffic to your website – by answering questions that are related to your web […]

35962d4dc495efce995c10df835b7816innovation wrote a new post, How and When Should You Follow Up With a Prospect?, on the site by Hillel Porath Fri, 15 Aug 2008 06:37:51 +0000 You have just contacted a prospect over the phone who is interested in hearing about your service, business or product. You received permission to email /fax him more information about it. Remember: 1] The email/fax is your third party in this case. They need to contain enough information that will help your prospect reach a decision. 2] Once he […]

79b5ed9c9bfa5af86791e6e2af0ad655innovation wrote a new post, Latest Updates to - - Inspiring Your Biz, on the site by Hillel Porath Sun, 03 Aug 2008 14:53:19 +0000 Shalom my people Below are the latest to my website : What Is AIDCA? And How It Can Improve Your Sales -is-aidca.html What Is Google Knol? -is-google-knol.html How To Create, Market & Sell T-Shirts Online ml Some New Websites and Social Networks That May Help Your Business Grow websites-social-networks.h tml How to Generate […]

e808dc93ccfa7738eae7903b59fecbe5innovation wrote a new post, The Super Affiliate Handbook! By Rosalind Gardner, on the site by Hillel Porath Sun, 27 Jul 2008 20:15:41 +0000  Start your own home-based Affiliate Marketing business with the Super Affiliate Handbook by Rosalind Gardner! Topics Include Blogging, Market Research, Affiliate Programs, Web Design, Problem Avoidance And So Much More!  Click here to learn more about The Super Affiliate Handbook!Good luck! Hillel Porath

d5ae78135ab951ad75533d9454c283d1innovation wrote a new post, Our New Website - For The Aspiring Entrepreneur In Israel, on the site by Hillel Porath Thu, 17 Jul 2008 00:14:42 +0000 Hi All!  We Are Happy to Announce the Launch of Our New Website:  The ultimate resource for the aspiring entrepreneur in Israel . Our site is a content based website that provides you the aspiring entrepreneur with all of the resources you need to get started with your new business. New content will be added on a daily and […]

4a77a174e82e601ff124908e8fcbf500innovation wrote a new post, Why Should Someone Do Business With You?, on the site by Hillel Porath Wed, 21 May 2008 16:37:54 +0000 Launching a website/business can be very exciting. This is something that you own; you now have the opportunity to turn this “golem” into a real living creature. You fully understand the potential of your services or products and you know that many people out there can benefit from what ever it is you have to offer.   […]

bceb0109a093c2c5aa5b794f96351086innovation wrote a new post, Article Marketing – Writing Articles to Help Promote Your Business to The World, on the site by Hillel Porath Mon, 19 May 2008 23:37:58 +0000 The beauty of article marketing is that you can share your knowledge with the world. If you are an expert in a field, this is your chance to show off your expertise. When you share quality and valuable information, your readers will not only respect you, but they will trust you as well. It is very […]

fbcb90e58b83c42babfc7792c8553902innovation wrote a new post, How to Get Businesses to Outsource Business to You, on the site by Hillel Porath Sun, 18 May 2008 13:56:19 +0000   I have spoken with a few people who are waiting for companies to outsource business to them. The problem with that is – they are waiting. It’s not enough to just “wait”, you really need to push yourself out there and let the world know that you exist.   I stumbled upon this great […]

efe6f7fd664c8e69de0f5ca664c41a9finnovation wrote a new post, Some Interesting links That May Help You & Your Biz, on the site by Hillel Porath Thu, 01 May 2008 06:55:38 +0000  Hi all I have collected a list of sites on many topics related to internet marketing, entrepreneurship and more. Hope this will help you . – Business by phone<span style="font-size: small; […]

09789575664ec73f36dd23ac0331d21einnovation wrote a new post, Our Guide on Driving Traffic to a Website -Is Now Available Online!, on the site by Hillel Porath Wed, 09 Apr 2008 21:34:56 +0000 "Major Blast: The Guide to Driving Traffic to a Website – on a zero budget" is now available online! $5.99! Thanks to Brian Blum, founder of for setting it up!To your success!Hillel Porath   

ca2cfc3722fdb5d46b5f28586ba93a00innovation wrote a new post, Websites That May Help Your Biz Grow, on the site by Hillel Porath Tue, 01 Apr 2008 06:49:14 +0000 Shalom Below are some websites that just may help your web based biz grow. Study each one carefuly and learn how to use them. – This email marketing service allows you to easily track sends, clicks and more. This can be a great option for anyone who is looking to outsource their […]

caa347ff217d6080f656a039a806790finnovation wrote a new post, Major Blast! The Guide to Driving Online Traffic to Your Website, on the site by Hillel Porath Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:43:31 +0000 Major Blast: The Guide to Driving Online Traffic to Your Website (on a zero budget) Brought to you by the developers of Hillel Porat Ami Steinberger Eli Neumann This Guide is written for people who have a website to market and could use some help getting started. It contains all the tools needed for a comprehensive launch, a Major Blast, good for 2008…..On […]

f534879ffc24f308337e3a591d4bf691innovation wrote a new post, The Gush Etzion Internetpreneur Forum, on the site by Hillel Porath Wed, 06 Feb 2008 11:41:05 +0000 The Gush Etzion Internetpreneur Forum – Do you have an Internet business, blog or an information website? – Do you want to learn the skills you need to increase traffic and ramp up sales? – Do you want to network with successful, likeminded people In the Gush area? If your answer to these questions is yes, yes, and yes, then […]

0a4919b9869a4e51e022f9cf525260e0innovation wrote a new post, eBay - Buy, Sell, & Profit - From Israel!, on the site by Hillel Porath Tue, 06 Nov 2007 06:40:22 +0000 Shalom Check out our latest blog post submitted by Cecilia Cohen. Cecilia is a rising star in the eBay business. Cecilia sells on eBay from her home here in Israel! Inspiring Your Jewish BizHillel Porat & Mordechai

5ef8615d0960782b91d7c25241103555innovation wrote a new post, Do You Have A Business Story To Tell?, on the site by Hillel Porath Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:07:22 +0000 DO YOU HAVE A BUSINESS STORY TO TELL? If so, we want to hear it! If you’ve ever tried starting a business in Israel, whether it was successful or even if it failed… we’d love to read your story. Here’s why .“WorkingNation” is compiling a book of the personal experiences of people who’ve succeeded in establishing a successful (or “not so successful”) business here […]
