As expected the new area tax goes into effect today, March 20th, 2011. This new tax effects all workers in Israel. In fact it has been kept so secret, that you probably haven’t heard anything about it on the news. No wonder ! Read on and you’ll soon know why.
Looking around at all the rebellions in the neighboring countries in the middle east, Israel’s leaders became paranoid that Israel may be next. Since these leaders will do anything to stay in power, they have devised a secret plan whereby they intend to add further insult to an economy that already has the highest tax rate in the world.
The system is simple: If you work, you have money. The governemtn does not. Therefore you need to support the government financially. For each day you work you will be taxed an hour’s pay. This is regardless of the amount you make per hour, or what day of the week it is earned. It is in addition to your taxes and social security deductions. No one is entitled to a reduction or exemption. The law is effective immediately.
I shall therefore suggest this be called the purim tax !
Yes, this is totally a Purim joke and has no true significance to anything (although I am not 100% sure that the government won’t try this)
Happy Purim !
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Moshe Egel-Tal, CSPP
Founder and CEO, Israpay "making payroll simple"
Skype: motal7
Snail Mail: p.o. box 44429 Jerusalem, Israel 91443
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You scared the living daylights out of me!
Happy Purim!