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@bevgra active 13 years, 9 months agoBasic Info
Name | bevgra |
Company Name | COLOURWORX |
Business Overview | de-stressing and re-focusing employees through occupational healing massage |
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Business Category | Health & Wellness |
Profile Details | OCCUPATIONAL HEALING MASSAGE (OHM)OHM is now offered as a holistic de-stressing massage therapy in the convenience of your business. A 20 minute, beneficial session is offered to employees at a nominal cost of NIS 50-00, affordable to either individual or business owner.OHM does not require any de-robing and involves the treatment of upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face.This type of massage helps with general relaxation, improved blood circulation and lymphatic flow, reduced muscular tension, relief of sinus problems, eyestrain, headaches and insomnia..Masage offers one of the best ways to deal with stress. It can help re-educate the body, reminding us how to rest and relax. When the body has been re-balanced and the immune system boosted, it is better able to fight off infection and recover. This resuls in a reduction of absenteeism in the work place.I have 5 years experince offering the OHM with remarkable results. Last year successfully trained a group of blind and partially sighted people who were then also able to generate an income for themselves For more nformation or group bookings, please contact:Bev Gradidge050 773 5747 or bevgra@hotmail.com |