@falstaff88 active 13 years, 6 months agoLLOYD MASEL posted an update 13 years, 6 months ago
I’m interested to get in touch with enterprising young businessmen and women, living either in Israel or America and who have good network connections in either country, or both.
It’s an MLM project, but please investigate this business opportunity carefully. There is money to be made and those who have already signed up are doing very…[Read more]
LLOYD MASEL commented on the post, How Would You Like to Become an Expert Commentator?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 8 months ago
Throughout my career in business I have witnessed numerous come-and-go systems and ideas. Facebook, Twitter et al are no different. In time, no doubt, they will be replaced by something different. And new brooms always sweep clean! My problem with these abbreviated solutions to sometimes complicated questions is not just the accuracy and integrity of […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, How Would You Like to Become an Expert Commentator?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 8 months ago
In 2007 when I joined JobShuk there were some 1600 Members. According to the new format just released, Membership has dropped to just under 900. What has happened? Of course, everybody can speculate what has gone awry. There is always a modicum of truth in every explanation, but all that really matters is how to re-energize this Social Business Network site for […]
LLOYD MASEL unlocked
2+ visits 13 years, 8 months ago
LLOYD MASEL posted a new activity comment 13 years, 9 months ago
Design-wise, very contemporary. My use for the site is just for blogging, but I imagine that members would find all the new extensions very helpful in building business contacts. I do miss NOT having readership viewing stats. I found those helpful on the old site for suitable topics to post.
In reply to - Zvi Landsman posted an update @falstaff88 What are your initial impressions on the new Facebook-like community functionality and your blog/site? · ViewLLOYD MASEL commented on the post, Some Home Truths about False Advertising, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 9 months ago
I’m curious to know if anybody bothered to read this article. I deliberately made 3 small spelling errors, just to find out.
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Some Home Truths about False Advertising, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 9 months ago
Both advertisers and their agencies are clearly at fault in the creation of advertisements which are either blantantly false or simply misleading. Advertisers who deliberately tell ‘Black Lies’ – falsehoods – are deceitful. But agencies who knowingly accept these claims and publish the advertisements, are equally to blame. The also have a responsibility to society. No less significant […]
LLOYD MASEL commented on the post, GUARANTEED WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM IN THREE MAGIC WORDS, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 9 months ago
Hi Sherry. I can sympathize with you. The only difference is that I’m probably much older and therefore have been trying much longer! However, the aim of this exercise was to demonstrate how to build an eye-catching ad with a novel approach and play on words. Not in ‘Three Easy Lessons’ but in ‘Three Easy […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Read the Secret of Writing a Blog without Writing a Blog, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 9 months ago
"I’d love to write blogs to keep my name in front of the business community all the time. But I haven’t got time to blog regularly and I never know what to blog about." Heard that one before? All the time. And that’s one of the reasons why Facebook has attracted half a billion users worldwide, because on Facebook you don’t […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, GUARANTEED WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM IN THREE MAGIC WORDS, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 9 months ago
Why is it that people are conned every day into paying money to buy diet programs that simply don’t work? Yet, the diet industry is booming. This diet, that diet, the other diet. Publishers are enjoying a bonanza. Maybe these diets might work for a short period of time, but once the diet cycle is completed, back comes the surplus weight. The world […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, Where have all the Bloggers gone?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 9 months ago
We’ve all read heaps of articles why blogging is good for business. So, let me ask the 1600 odd members of JobShuk why they prefer not to use this valuable source of advertising. FREE. Is business that good? NOT LIKELY! We’ll all miss Yoni’s regular submissions. In fact, Yoni held this column together. In the years he blogged and blogged and […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, JUST MAKE IT YOURS. YOURS ALONE, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 11 months ago
Way back in 1966 songwriters Bob Tiele and George David Weiss wrote a song. Just right for the mood in America at the time. They offered the song to Tony Bennett who declined the offer. The songwriters then approached Louis Armstrong who immediately saw the great possibilities within the song and he signed up. The song "What a Wonderful World" became […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, WE’RE BEING SWAMPED BY MACHINES. NOT EVERYBODY IS DROWNING., on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 11 months ago
We’re being taken over by the world of instant communication. The closer we get to people on electronic equipment, the further apart we drift. Walk into a coffee shop and search for a table. Half of them are already occupied by empty coffee cups and laptops. Some of the laptop society probably sit there all day thumping away. Never mind anybody else! Stroll outside […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, DOES A PICTURE SELL A THOUSAND WORDS?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 13 years, 11 months ago
Way back in 1927 the world’s most notorious media mogul, William Randolph Hearst, sent a memo to the senior editors of all his newspapers. " Pictures that do not have news value do more harm than good. Without news value they should not be in the newspaper." So, despite the fact that in the New Year week-end 2011 a […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, THE SILVER SPOON IN YOUR MOUTH SYNDROME IS A MYTH, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 14 years, 2 months ago
Do you need to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to make it to the top? After all, networking goes a long way. The school you attended may be one factor. Mixing with the right people at the golf club and so on. That’s the easy way, though not always the successful one. Or you may have […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, YOUR JOBSHUK PROFILE IS YOUR BEST CALLING CARD, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 14 years, 2 months ago
So, you’ve decided to quit your nine-to-five daily job and spend your working life touting business for yourself. Provided you’re prepared to sacrifice corporate benefits such as a pension, health insurance, holidays and other perks, that’s fine. But freelancing is not such an easy nut to crack. The most difficult task is to convince a potential employer you are […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Wendy Brings Artistic Flair to Bustling Tel Aviv, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 14 years, 2 months ago
Moving trading premises from one site to another is rather common practice. Normally, just a routine affair. But for Interior Decorator and Designer, Wendy Mesguich, changing her business location from Beit Shemesh to Tel Aviv proved to be a real marketing challenge. Wendy’s business of redecorating and designing interiors requires constant and close contact with clients. Once in Tel […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. ARE MULTI-NATIONALS THE ECONOMY OF THE FUTURE?, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 14 years, 2 months ago
According to a report published in 2007 by the US Department of Commerce, Census Bureau and International Trade, Small firms represent 99.7% of all employment firms. Small firms employ 50% of all private sector employees. Of the number of small firms 52% are home-based. Of the number of identified exports, 97.5% were from small firms. Nobody can argue with hard-baked facts, […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. Fred and Freda have Guests Arriving from the U.K., on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 14 years, 2 months ago
Hey Fred! Just got a letter from our friends in the U.K. Didn’t know we had any Freda. Who? You know, we met them a couple of years ago when they came to Israel on a mission. What, another mission? No this time alone. They want to make a contribution to a worthwhile cause. Tell them to get in touch with Arnie […]
LLOYD MASEL wrote a new post, PROFILE-PLUS. The New Breed of Moviemakers, on the site falstaff88's blog by Lloyd Masel 14 years, 2 months ago
During the British Mandate and following the creation of statehood, early filmmaking in Israel focussed on the Land of Israel and the benefits of restoring Jewish connection to the land. In 1964, Ephraim Kishon’s first movie Sallah Shabbati depicts the story of a lazy but charming immigrant who manipulates the system for his own advantage. It proved to be a turning […]
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