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@laurach active 13 years, 9 months agoBasic Info
Name | laurach |
Business Overview | Hebrew to English translations (legal, financial) and presentation design – looking for salaried position in a dynamic company |
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Business Category | Writing & Translation |
Profile Details | LAURA ARMONTel: 0544-978139 / laurach@bezeqint.netEXPERIENCE1997 – presentTranslator, graphic designer IsraelI.D. Federman Holdings Ltd. – full-time salaried position• Translations of financial statements, contracts, business plans, protocols, presentations.• Drafting of straightforward contracts directly into English, for review by legal counsel.• Design of PowerPoint presentations for the various companies in the Group.• Assistance in special projects for the senior management. 1986 – presentTranslator – Hebrew – English IsraelSelf-employed• Legal, economic, financial, academic, medical, marketing and technical translations.• Winner of four national tenders for translations: 2 Israeli gov’t., 2 private sector.• Dictaphone transcription, including for the Ministry of Defense, international scientific, technological, medical and defense-related conferences, legal investigations, university lectures, protocols of court hearings and business meetings.1992 – 1997Translator – Hebrew – English IsraelElite Industries Ltd. • Hired as the translator for the corporation’s legal department.• After a few years, was transferred to work directly for the Chairman of the Board, C.E.O. and C.F.O., translating legal, financial, economic and business documents, as well translations for other divisions within the corporation as needed.• Reason for leaving: when the Chairman sold his holdings in Elite and established a new company (see above), he recruited me to continue working for him, along with other staff.1983 – 1986Graphic Designer IsraelTel-Aviv Museum of Art, Dept. of Publications and Exhibition Design• Design and execution of exhibition catalogues, posters and all other exhibition and museum graphics and publications.• Responsibility for all production stages, through printing and binding. Translations, editing and proofreading as needed. 1981 – 1983Printmaker IsraelIsrael Painters’ and Sculptors’ Association, Tel-Aviv• Professional printer of limited-edition etchings, print workshop supervisor/advisor for independent artists, etching, silkscreen and lithography teaching assistant.1971 – 1981Managing Editor USAJerome Press Group• During my 10 years at this mini-conglomerate, I held a number of positions, the last being Managing Editor of the publishing company’s publications: Playbill (theater program), Panorama (New England’s official visitors’ guide), Metropolitan Opera (Boston program).• Director, Group Sales. Appointed exclusive group-sales representative of four of Boston’s major legitimate theaters. Responsible for establishing this division from the ground up. Once the business was operating smoothly and profitably, was promoted to Managing Editor of the Group’s publishing company.• Assistant to the Chairman and President – multi-faceted position. Responsibilities included: writing and graphic design, print media production, personnel officer, manager of the union press room, representing the Group in various capacities, operations troubleshooter for the various divisions.EDUCATION 1979 – 1980Graduate coursework in graphics and fine art – Massachusetts College of Art.1970 – 1974BA with highest honors in art and publishing – Simmons College, in conjunction with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. |