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@samit active 13 years, 9 months agoBasic Info
Name | samit |
Company Name | Ask Your Coach |
Business Overview | Life and Executive Coach, Mentor, Trainer |
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Business Category | Education & Consulting |
Profile Details | I have spent the last 25 years developing myself, learning and investing in skills and knowledge, and continue to do so in all the areas of life which fascinate me. On my company website www.ask-your-coach.com I publish articles and exercises related to self development and growth and discuss my experience with my mentors. I am on the Coaching faculty of the Adlerian Coaching School at the Adler Institute in Israel where I also give training on Organization and Time Management. I am founder of Ask your coach where I work mainly with private clients both in Israel and internationally. My clients are mostly business or career orientated and also well-being or wellness. I am available for One on one coaching and mentoring, workshops, seminars and lectures. I am partner and co-founder at Liveline. We mentor, coach and train in organizations, specializing in the area of wellness (well-being) and personal development. We work with employees and managers on both a one on one basis and with groups and teams. Wellness programs may integrate experts like nutritionists and personal trainers and employees may experience greater motivation, a feeling of overall wellness, increased concentration and productivity. Liveline workshops are dynamic and are developed with the client in mind. I am partner at U-Solve. We work mainly in global companies integrating methodologies and tools for greater collaboration. One of the areas that I have a personal interest is virtual team work. I love the challenge of facilitating and training people from different locations and watching how it all comes together with the right investment, planning, collaboration, skills, tools, goals, measurements, communication and sharing! We work with managers on leadership skills and competencies and teams to share knowledge, communicate more effectively, find the right balance and be successful. Here are some of the major areas where I experienced transformation in myself and with my clients Career Change – I moved from working solely in a High-Tech software industry to integrating this now in my life. I believe that when you have a dream and a vision anything is possible. Most importantly I believe that you can work in the profession of your choice and make a good solid living. I do this in baby steps with my clients. Business Development – I work with managers and entrepreneurs to look for better ways to increase business. I bring both my creativity and also experience into helping managers create new ways of doing things. People work with me because they want to do something different in their business to what they have been doing up to now. Organization Management – In this area I have increased my personal skills in organizing and managing myself much better. There is a multitude of approaches and things we can do to increase productivity and management. It very much depends on my client and what their needs are. Many of the areas below in well-being influence organization and management. Well-being – I have significantly improved my overall sense of well-being and inner peace .I choose every day to invest in a healthy and balanced Lifestyle. Taking care of myself on all levels of body (health, nutrition, exercise) , mind (being focused and aware of my thoughts), emotions (allowing myself to feel and be) and soul (nurturing of my spirit). In Well-being I specialize in a number of areas: Creating positive habits, Changing negative perspectives, Work Life Balance, Positive Thinking, Emotional Mastery, Stress Management, Time management, Organization and Order including Clutter clearing and control. For my full profile visit : http://www.ask-your-coach.com/About-Us.html You are welcome to send me email with any questions you may have. e-mail: samamit.coach@gmail.com |