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@sveralex active 12 years, 6 months agoBasic Info
Name | sveralex |
Company Name | SverAlex |
Business Overview | LAMP, Delphi, Perl |
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Business Category | Internet & Programming |
Profile Details | Total experience: 15+ years Degree: Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Systems Engineering (1987, Samara Aerospace University)Category: Software, Database & Web Systems Development English: fluent (1981, graduated from a specialized school with some subjects learned in English)Address: Rishon LeZion, IsraelEmail: sveralex@bezeqint.net Publications, patents, awards etc.HONORS, AWARDS AND CERTIFICATIONSBrainbench Certifications:- 2001 Visual Basic 5.0- 2003 Delphi 3.0MySQL 5: http://www.rentacoder.com/RentACoder/DotNet/SoftwareCoders/ShowBioInfo.aspx?lngAuthorId=6677680&Tab=2 2000, "Grushin Festival" multimedia CD was a prizewinner at "ANIGRAPH-2000" ("My Fatherland" special reward) http://www.museum.ru/cpik_katalog_cd-rom/anigraf.asp?UID=51996, The City Premium in Science and Culture for "Samara. Province Culture" multimedia CD title1. http://www.kg.ru/demo/samara/ 2. http://center.fio.ru/vio/VIO_02/resource/internet/rsi.spb.fio.ru/doc/60.html3. http://pmi.ulstu.ru/new_project/mmedia/newpage12.htm4. http://www.osp.ru/pcworld/1997/02/156990/ My freelance experience:– http://www.getafreelancer.com/users/497463.html– http://www.odesk.com/users/~~497be72fad8587b5– https://www.scriptlance.com/cgi-bin/freelancers/freelancers.cgi?viewprofile=sveralex– http://www.getacoder.com/users/sveralex/sveralex_profile.htm– http://sveralex.elance.com PUBLISHED PAPERS AND SOFTWARE RELEASES "Sensor Dynamics" 3-volume set – software packages designed to enable students and professionals to experiment and learn sensors using a PC 1. http://www.kg.ru/demo/sensors/2. http://www.witpress.com/acatalog/8430.html3. http://www.expertverlag.de "Grushin Festival" multimedia CD (1999), Russian language 1. http://www.museum.ru/CPIK_katalog_CD-ROM/cd.asp?UID=399 2. http://www.pcweek.ru/?ID=534003. http://www.russiandvd.com/store/product.asp?sku=45219&genreid=4. http://vakh.online.com.ua/hotnews/festivals/gaseta.htm5. http://vakh.online.com.ua/hotnews/grush.html6. http://lentchiks.narod.ru/gr_st_06.htm7. http://old.osp.ru/pcworld/2000/12/118.htm "Samara. Provincial Culture" – Multimedia encyclopedia in English, German and Russian (1996)1. http://www.kg.ru/demo/samara/2. http://center.fio.ru/vio/VIO_02/resource/internet/rsi.spb.fio.ru/doc/60.html 3. http://pmi.ulstu.ru/new_project/mmedia/newpage12.htm4. http://www.osp.ru/pcworld/1997/02/156990/ "Piezoelectric Accelerometers" Multimedia Learning Application (1997), 1. http://www.kg.ru/demo/pa/ Skills Years usedLanguages:Pascal15PHP, Javascript8Perl6IDE/CASE/Compilers:Borland Delphi 5,7,2007,201010MS Visual Studio 6, 2005, 200810Databases:MS Access6MySQL, Firebird7OS:MS Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Server 200311Unix FreeBSD, Linux (Debian, Fedora, RedHat)6Internet:HTML, DHTML,CSS, XML10MS IIS5Apache, ProFTPd, Postfix6HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, SMTP, IMAP7Technologies, Data Access:Object Oriented Programming (OOP)15COM/DCOM/COM+/ActiveX3 Work history Mar. 2009 – To presentGloomshade Web Project Developer, R E M O T E M E D I A G R O U P S, San Francisco, CA, USAhttp://www.shade.noGloomshade is a company that opens up a network of highly skilled digital artists for companies and clients. Our digital artists unite traditional Company Intranet features with Gloomshade’s online functionality to create content sharing and collaboration. Gloomshade introduces new ways of communication with freelancers both as individuals and groups. We will create digital art on-demand with our flexible online tool designed to harness and leverage your entire workforces creativity, intellect and resources via consistent interaction.Environment: Unix/Linux, LAMP (Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP), Javascript, AJAX, jQuery————————————————————————————————————————————May 2008 – To presentProject DeveloperP&C Micros Pty Ltd, Burwood VIC, AustraliaAcacia Time Management is a program which combines a Clocking in and out system, job allocation and time sheets.Environment: Windows, RAD Studio (Delphi 2007), MySQL.————————————————————————————————————————————Jan. 2008 – Mar.2008http://www.heise.de/whitepapers/Site Perl Developer, Heise Gmbh, GermanyEnvironment: FreeBSD, Apache, MySQL, Perl, Javascript————————————————————————————————————————————Dec. 2007 – To presentProject LeaderMaximus Coffee Group, Houston, Texas, USA http://www.maximuscoffeegroup.com/Training Tracker – software system to store and organize training records for your employees, with Flash (shockwave files) training courses and quizes. Keep employee training records all in one place in an Excel spreadsheet.Environment: MS Windows, Borland Delphi 7, MS Visual Studio, Macromedia Flash MX.————————————————————————————————————————————Nov. 2007 – Feb. 2008Delphi DeveloperKingston Software Factory (www.kingstonsoftwarefactory.com), Kingston, Ontario, CanadaThe project deals with Electronic Health Record (EHR) Development – Software system used by doctors for recording information about patients: Cumulative Patient Profile, Medical History, Surveillances, etc.Environment: MS Windows, Borland Delphi 7, Advantage SQL (Sybase).————————————————————————————————————————————May 2000 – To presentSenior Software DeveloperInform-Bureau Ltd., Samara, Russia (www.infb.hippo.ru)The scope of work covers development of the Electronic DrugStore information system, which is providing service to more than 500 pharmaceutical companies and retailers in Samara region, Volga Region, Moscow, St.Petersburg etc.My role involves the following duties and responsibilities: – Overall project management of Delphi application, along with developing modules, such as data analysis and statistics, Electronic Orders/Bills subsystem, Update Information subsystem, based on FTP, SMTP and HTTP protocols.- Maintaining and developing existing Web based systems as well as designing and developing technical solutions on multiple projects.- Enhancing and troubleshooting applications, along with optimizing the source code.- Coding, unit testing, and integrating application components- Developing new application units, DLLs, COM-objects and BPLs according to Design specifications – Providing ongoing support of the current Electronic DrugStore version- Designing software product as specified by the requirements from customers- Making-up Electronic DrugStore Product Final Releases- PHP/Perl/HTML-Scripting Internet sites http://www.infb.hippo.ru and http://info-market.ru – Developing MySQL and MS SQL Server databases: Dictionaries, Clients & Products.- UNIX FreeBSD-server administering: ProFTPd, Postfix, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, Spamd, ClamAV etc.- Server-side backend Perl utilities: data extraction, parsing and converting files from/to MySQL, XLS, DBF, XML, TXT.- Developing Administrator’s Web application on Perl: clients’ statistics, hand-operated downloading/uploading dictionaries and price updates, managing clients and dictionaries database.- Mentoring to less senior developers and assisting non-technical co-workers and clients.- Creating Reports, e.g. Average annual/monthly prices on products, products of high and low demand, using MS FoxPro and MS SQL Server stored procedures.- Design & Development of the Universal Electronic Bill Subsystem using Windows Script Host technologies, JScript, VBScript, Windows Script ComponentsEnvironment: MS Windows 2003 Server, MS SQL Server, Linux, Borland Delphi 7/Studio 2006; MS Visual FoxPro, MS Visual Studio 2005, Perl, PHP, Javascript————————————————————————————————————————————Feb. 1998 to July 1999Leading Project DeveloperEstafeta Inc., Samara, RussiaThe "Grushin Festival" CD title is a Multimedia encyclopedia, dedicated to the 30-th anniversary of the Grushin bard song festival. The CD contains 200 songs in SWA-format, 1500 JPEG images, 1 hour of MP3 video clips, narration, and historical survey.The title was rewarded a special "My Fatherland" prize at "ANIGRAPH-2000" forum.My role:- Collecting, Cataloguing and Classifying the information: text, graphics, audio, video- Creating MS Access database to store information units- System Design and Architecture- Creating a number of Visual C++ DLLs to facilitate MP3-files play-back power- Final Make-Up in Macromedia Authorware- Testing and debugging the systemEnvironment: MS Windows 95/NT, Macromedia Authorware, MS Access, MS Visual Studio————————————————————————————————————————————Feb. 1987 to Sept. 1999Senior Software EngineerP.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Samara BranchMy role:- Software development in science research, particularly in optics and laser technology.Environment: Assembler, Pascal ————————————————————————————————————————————Aug. 1993 to Aug. 1998Project Manager & Lead Project DeveloperKnowledge Genesis, Samara (http://www.kg.ru/eng/d_inter.stm)"Sensor Dynamics" 3-volume set of software packages is designed to enable students to experiment and learn using a PC. Each package consists of a manual, containing theory and exercises, and an accompanying disk, providing a means for experimenting with models of sensors (http://www.kg.ru/Eng/D_sens.stm)Volume 1 – Pressure Sensor DynamicsVolume 2 – Resistive Temperature Sensor DynamicsVolume 3 – Acceleration, Vibration and Shock Sensor DynamicsThe book contains theory and exercises, whilst the software programs provide a means of experimenting with models of sensors. The programs contain sets of screens and each corresponds to a section of the book. The screens displaying sensor configurations, components and behaviors in the form of dynamic graphs and animations. The Courseware was published in Germany (Expert Verlag, http://www.expertverlag.de), UK and USA (Computational Mechanics Publications, WIT Press, http://www.witpress.com/acatalog/8430.html).These products were successfully demonstrated at the "Sensor 95" (Nuremberg, Germany), "Sensor 96" (Anaheim, Los-Angeles, USA) international forums, and at the "New technologies from Russia" exhibition (Rome, Italy, 1996).My role:- Leading Project Developer, responsible for all steps of layout, design, programming, testing, debugging, and final release- Programming simulation and analysis models- Models Database design and implementationEnvironment: MS DOS, MS Windows 3.1/95/NT, Object Pascal, Delphi————————————————————————————————————————————Jan. 1995 to Nov. 1997Project Manager and Software AnalystIBT International, Knowledge Genesis, SamaraMultimedia CD-ROM projects: "Samara. Provincial Culture", "AvtoVAZ", Multimedia Teaching Packages in English, German and Russian languages.My role:- Creating the storyboard and layout, user interface development, preparing the project and user’s guide documentation- Programming User Interface modules- Testing, bug fixing and correcting the code- Final CD releasingEnvironment: MS Windows 3.1/95/NT, Visual C, Borland Pascal |