Activity results for #special

  • Aryeh posted an update 12 years, 9 months ago

    Increase Your Hiring Potential

    Tomorrow’s Genius, a leading provider in online education is proud to announce the opening of its new professional development program. Courses are designed to reinforce existing skills and/or to introduce new possibilities.
    All courses are taught by experienced professionals in their fields.
    Special discounts…[Read more]

  • עדיין לא מאוחר להצטרף לקורס גיוס משאבים בעברית,
    ביום רביעי הקרוב 10 לאוגוסט בין השעות 10:30-13:30
    וגם במחיר מוזל!!!

    קורס בכתיבת בקשות למענקים, עבודה עם קרנות
    ושיטות גיוס משאבים לעמותות

    הקורס מיועד גם לאנשים שכבר עובדים בתחום וגם לאלו המעוניינים להשתלב
    בתחום גיוס משאבים לעמותות.

    [Read more]

  • #special
    Learn how to read and understand your payslip. Check your payslip every month – you may be entitled to tax benefits that you are not receiving because your employer may have omitted or overlooked important details. Learn how to fill out your annual 101 tax form properly and avoid future headaches.
    Register now for Israpay’s upcoming…[Read more]

  • For a limited time, JobShuk is offering the Pro package FREE for the first TWELVE MONTHS, no money down, for anyone using their own domain name and agrees to let us publish all generic support requests to the community. Offer limited to the first 7 customers – all others will still get 6 months free. Expires August 1.

    More info on the Pro plan…[Read more]